Why Read the Book When I can See the Movie or Use Spark Notes?
~ Maureen Daly – 8th Grade English

Whether students admit it or not, taking shortcuts when it comes to an assigned novel study is common. It could be time constraints, misplaced books, or any number of reasons. Here, at the best private school in Monmouth County, I always encourage my classes to stop short-changing themselves for several reasons.
Here are some of them:
Why Read Literature:

- There is power in stories.
- It is both an intensely personal as well as a communal experience.
- Spark our imagination.
- Fosters communication.
- Challenges us to make connections, to question, to notice details and to make sense of things.
- Helps us examine different perspectives…You need to walk around in someone else’s shoes for a while…
- We can make connections to the rest of the world.
- It helps us to be open to new ideas.
- We can visit other times, places and cultures.
- Great literature moves us to become better people.
In the end, the next time that you are in a rush, slow down. Open the book. Read every single word. Devour it. And, its story will become yours for life!