Oak Hill Academy
Parent Organization
Welcome to the Oak Hill Academy Parent Organization (OHAPO)

The Oak Hill Academy Parent Organization (comprised of volunteer parents) works with the Development Office and on several events throughout the school year. Our purpose is to aid the school by planning fund-raisers and social gatherings, as well as providing services for the benefit of the students attending Oak Hill Academy.
2024-2025 Parent Organization Executive Board
Treasurer / OHAPO Liaison: Corey Small
Parent Organization Committee Leaders: Vivian Attanasio, Kelley Badishkanian, Stefanie Garmany, Mary Casciano Geneve, Hannah Quincannon.
OHAPO Graphic Designers: Carolyn Frazier, Amanda Kane and Hannah Gazdus (Alumnus)
Officers, Chairs, & Committees
Oak Hill Academy Parent Organization 2024-2025
Committee Description Calendar The school calendar is distributed to all OHA families at the beginning of the school year. The Chair is responsible for gathering drawings and other artistic expressions from our children before the end of the school year, and creating the calendar over the summer. In addition, the Chair works closely with the printer and is responsible for ensuring that the calendar is printed and available at the start of the school year. This activity is unusual in that we have been requested by the printer to maintain continuity in the Chair because of the knowledge required to prepare the calendar in a print-ready format. Cocktail Party and Auction This major fundraiser combines a social evening with great prizes, food, and entertainment. Committee responsibilities may include menu selection, invitations, music, decorations, auctions, and manpower to staff the event. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the OHAPO. Listed below are subcommittees of the cocktail party with a brief explanation of duties: Silent Auction – The Chair of the Silent Auction is responsible for obtaining all Silent Auction items, preparing written information regarding items for the program, setting the bid price and increments, (with the help of the Parent Liaison), setting up the Silent Auction on the day of the Cocktail Party, closing out the auction at the conclusion of bidding, and cleaning up the Silent Auction area and removing props and other materials used for display at the end of the evening. Program – The Program Chair is responsible for the preparation of the program listing the events of the evening, the live and silent auction items, chance baskets, etc. This person should have the design and software experience necessary to input all information regarding the above items. Decorating – The Decorating Chair is responsible for choosing the manner in which the Cocktail Party theme is reflected in the decorations at the venue. Items include table linens, centerpieces, special decorations, favors, backdrops, etc. This person oversees the set up of the room on the day of the cocktail party and is also responsible for the clean-up and removal of all props at the conclusion of the evening. Family Brunch The Family Brunch is an event held early in the school year. The brunch serves as a great opportunity for new families to meet existing families as well as faculty and staff. Our silent auction is a fun part of this event as well. The Chairs of the Brunch are responsible for working directly with our Parent Liaison in obtaining all silent auction items, displaying them and closing the auction out. The chairs also work with the venue in planning the menu, décor and entertainment for the event. Graduation Committee This committee involves a three (3) year commitment; only those parents who have a child entering sixth are eligible; parents sign up through a form that is mailed out in March; responsibilities include serving at the Graduation Receptions (first two years) and coordinating the NY Broadway Trip and Barbeque when the student reaches 8th grade. Homeroom Parents Homeroom Parents are generally selected on a first come, first serve basis. All Oak Hill Academy parents are mailed a form in March to be filled out and submitted to the Parent Liaison in the school main office. Homeroom Parents (PreK-4) work directly with their child/children’s teacher. They are responsible for the food, drinks and supplies for three parties a year: the Halloween Party in October, the Holiday Party in December and the End of the School Year Party. On occasion, homeroom parents are asked to assist with a grade and/or school event. Hospitality Committee The Hospitality Committee provides refreshments for special events when needed. Responsibilities include obtaining, setting up, serving, and cleaning up of food and refreshments for such events as Back-to-School Nights. Kindness Committee The Kindness Committee, in conjunction with the Oak Hill Academy Student Council, enriches the OHA community with service projects which teach the children the importance of giving back to the community. Volunteers on this committee encourage donations to our school collections including candy for Holiday Express and coat/food drives. Parent Partner Program (P3) The Parent Partner Program (P3) is designed to provide information and partnership for new families. Spring Plant Sale The Spring Plant Sale is a terrific opportunity for the children to purchase flowers and plants for Mother’s Day. The committee is volunteering during the plant sale and helping the children with their choices of plants and bagging the plants. This event is held the Friday before Mother’s Day. Teachers Appreciation Luncheon The Chair of the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon works directly with the Parent Liaison to coordinate the spring Teacher Appreciation Luncheon in May. Responsibilities include soliciting food and/or donations from parents, favors, and gifts (if donations permit). -
Parent Partner Program (P³)
The Parent Partner Program (P³) is designed to provide information and partnership for each new family.Once enrolled at Oak Hill Academy, new families are teamed up with an existing family. This veteran family provides answers to many questions and smooths the new family’s transition into Oak Hill Academy.
Community Service
Kindness Committee
Our “Kindness Committee”, in conjunction with our Student Council, serves to enrich and help the community and our OHA families as needed throughout the year. For instance in previous school years, the families at OHA made a difference by providing backpacks and school supplies for schoolchildren in Asbury Park, collected various items for New Horizons in Autism, donated coats to St. Anthony’s Church in Red Bank, gathered Halloween candy for “Holiday Express,” provided funds and blankets for dads who were deployed in Iraq and away from their newborns, collected food for Open Door in Freehold and the Highlands Food Pantry, and donated the students’ loose change during “Pennies for Patients” to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.