After School Activities
In addition to the academic and athletic programs, many students at Oak Hill Academy participate in extracurricular activities. This extension of their day is included in the school tuition. This affords students the opportunity to further pursue their interests and share quality time with their teachers and friends. In the case of Student Council, participants provide community service to the school and our surrounding area. Student Council also sponsors various social events at the school. There are many after school clubs for every age level which include yearbook, literary magazine, music, drama, math team, computers, art, science, chess, physical education, nature, and more. Of course, homework help and academic enrichment are also a part of the after school offerings.
Lower School Schedule – 2024-2025
Upper School Schedule – 2024-2025
Lower School (2024-2025):
- PreK Clubs (Creative Kids, Gobble Up Math , Health & Fitness)
- Art Club-Lower School
- Kindergarten Creative Kids Club
- 1st Grade (Discovery Club, Book/Game, Math)
- 1st Grade Spanish Creativity & Culture Club
- 2nd Grade Spanish Yoga & Dance Club
- Second Grade Science Club
- Third Grade Science Club
- Lower School Music Clubs
- Computer Club (Grades 1-4)
- Math Olympiads (Grades 4-6)
- PE club (Grades 1-4)
- Nature Club (Grades 2, 3 & 4) & Chess & Checkers
- Intramural Tennis (Grades 4-8)
- Cross Country (Grades 3-8)
Upper School (2024-2025):
- Math Olympiads (Grades 4-6)
- Computer Club (Grades 5-8)
- Upper School Art Club
- Chess & Checkers
- Drama Clubs (Thespian Troupe, 5th grade Drama Club, School Play)
- Intramural Tennis (Grades 4-8)
- Kindness Club (Grades 5-8)
- Science Club
- Upper School PE Club
- Cross Country (Grades 3-8)
- Model UN (grades 6-8)
- Student Council
- Journalism Club
- Upper School Music Clubs