Tuesday Talks is a hybrid program of Oak Hill Academy’s own character education curriculum, The Ophelia Project – CASS Creating a Safe School, and Google iKeepSafe. Twenty five, small student groups assigned to a mentor teacher meet twice a month on Tuesdays to discuss real-time scenarios, share ideas, problem solve, and practice dialogue for various situations.
Now in the second year, the feedback on Tuesday Talks from students and teachers alike has been overwhelming positive. The students express a comfort level within their small group as well as the ability to speak freely and openly. Topics include: bullying (identifying aggressor, target, bystanders, and upstanders) and cyberbullying (turning negative to a positive). The constant use and impactfulness of social media remains challenging waters for our middle school students to navigate.
Having designated time to discuss these issues provides a safe haven and a learned skill set. Headmaster Joseph A. Pacelli connects the truism between the value of education combined with importance character education when acknowledging through this process our students constantly add “tools to their toolbox.”
Oak Hill Academy students see the importance of Spread Respect in our Community of Kindness. Service projects within Monmouth County (Monmouth Day Care Center, backpack and school supplies collection, coat drive, Hat and Mitten Tree, Bridge of Books, etc.) allow our OHA students to serve and help others locally. Our reach is also global as our students collect supplies for troops, food for Crop Walk, and donations towards clean water in South Sudan. Our core values of Acceptance, Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Perseverance, Responsibility, Commitment, Cooperation, Politeness, and Sportsmanship shape our daily practices and define our school culture.
For more information on The Ophelia Project visit opheliaproject.org and Google’s iKeepSafe visit g.co/BeInternetAwesome. Or call or email Mrs. Scheuer Upper School Advisor at 732-530-1343 x5 or sscheuer@oakhillacademy.com.