Five Principles of How Kids Learn
We have heard it time and time again, “Young children are sponges.” How true. They are eager to explore everything in their small world. Every scene, every sound, every word holds great potential for them to explore and to satisfy their curiosity. The following principles can open the door to a rich early childhood learning experience.
- Make it fun.
Joy heightens children’s interest and motivation for learning. People find games challenging and relaxing, creating a positive state called “flow.” Playful learning activities should offer something new every time kids play! Play could be both mental and physical and certainly doesn’t have to be led by adults. It is best to often give kids the opportunity to invent their own games. The mind works best when it is challenged and creativity is enhanced.

- Make it active.
Children must be “minds on” – acting, not passively, observing. Thinking, reasoning, and creating knowledge generates learning. Kids have to do something, not just sit there! For instance, building a fort or being an action hero will hold a child’s interest for hours.
- Make it engaging.
Kids learn best when they fully commit to an activity – mentally and emotionally. Distraction is the enemy. Make a clear learning goal, and don’t worry about perfection. Using the imagination and process are the keys. Does their activity spark content, like science, math, music, drama, or literacy? Engagement supports critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. Give the child the opportunity to lead the way toward activities that are rewarding to them.
- Make it meaningful.
Children learn best when learning has a purpose. Being helpful at home, in the community, and in the classroom provides an education of humanity. Connecting purposeful learning to their lives builds a sense of worth. Activities that are intuitive and relevant will continue to add layers to a child’s life experience.
- Make it socially interactive.
Working together drives learning. Children learn more when they cooperate, discuss, and mingle with others trying to achieve a common goal. Contributing ideas, revisions, and corrections adds value to even the simplest project Kids are proud when they can chime, “Look what we did!”
As one of the best schools in Monmouth County, Oak Hill Academy in Lincroft, NJ, takes pride in utilizing these 5 principles in their entire academic program. Students as active participants are celebrated in all grades from Pre-K to 8.
Oak Hill Academy is a NJ private school that is co-educational, independent, nonsectarian, and nonprofit for grades pre-kindergarten through eight. Oak Hill Academy is dedicated to a traditional, challenging, and caring learning environment that encourages comprehensive thought processes and deep understandings; thus promoting the wholesome intellectual, emotional, moral, and physical lifetime growth of our students. If you want to learn more about what makes Oak Hill Academy one of the best private school in NJ, visit us online at , or subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when we post more topics.