Oak Hill Academy Celebrates 40 Years of Giving to the CROP Hunger Walk
The Oak Hill community values learning, compassion, and communal giving which is why it has partnered with the CROP Hunger Walk for the past 40 years. Oak Hill Academy has supported the CROP Hunger Walk’s efforts by collecting thousands of pounds of food and by raising money through successful food drives. We have also hosted fundraisers including selling CROP Hunger Walk stickers and bracelets. Our school encourages homeroom participation and each year the collections exceeds our expectations fourfold. Through the Oak Hill Academy Student Council, we are not only able to directly support the CROP Hunger Walk initiative but also raise awareness about food inequities through assemblies, presentations, and selling CROP Hunger Walk merchandise. Our school is proud to offer our continued support to the CROP Hunger Walk’s important mission.
By: Leena Mirchandani, Oak Hill Academy, Student Council Treasurer