Dramatic Arts
The Drama program at Oak Hill Academy provides a comprehensive study of Theatre and Drama. Areas of study include, but are not limited to, acting, play writing, theatre history, stage craft and puppetry. More importantly, the program helps students build strong social and problem solving skills, become more poised and confident individuals, and creates self-esteem that will last a lifetime.
Drama at Oak Hill Academy draws from the philosophy of Educational Drama which places the creative process at the center of learning. Teaching methods include creative dramatics, process drama, and Mantle of the Expert, among others. Through classroom activities, the students are learning how to collaborate in groups, think quickly on their feet, create new ideas without judgment, overcome the fear of speaking in public, and so much more.
Another aspect of Educational Drama is integrating the student’s academic subjects into the drama classroom. For example, while 6th grade students are studying and reading Greek mythology in Literature class, they are also exploring the history of Ancient Greek Theatre, making Greek masks, as well as reading and acting out several Greek mythology scripts in the style of Reader’s Theatre.
The Lower School (Pre-Kindergarten – 4th) has Drama twice a week for the duration of the school year. Some activities include pantomime, improvisation, Reader’s Theatre, narrative pantomime, creative dramatics, play making, audience etiquette, puppetry, and even learning about the life and times of William Shakespeare.
The Upper School (5-8) has Drama once a week for one semester. Activities for the upper school students include acting with an emphasis on improvisation skills, theatre history, stage craft, play writing, speech, Reader’s Theatre and Theatre for Young Audiences.
There are several performance ensembles that are offered after school including Jr. Thespian Troupe (#89635), the Dance Ensemble, and the Upper School Spring Musical. In addition to performing, students also have the option to work behind the scenes on the Stage Crew.