Health Protocols & Updates (8-26-2022)

Health Protocols and Updates for 2022-2023

Excitement is in the air as we approach the 2022-2023 school year.  With the assistance of everyone in the OHA community, we came through last year meeting the challenge that COVID-19 posed to all teachers, students, and families.  We adapted and found new ways to stay safe and continue to learn deeply.  We are all looking forward to a school year with less restrictions and a lot more community engagement and fun.

As we look ahead to this fall, we continue to take seriously our priority to remain safe, and, at the same time, to engage our community with the support and care that our school is known for.  Protocols have been established to not only keep our campus open and safe, but also to be transparent and communicative, while remaining flexible during possible ever-changing times. 

As we have done for the past two years, we will continue to follow the science and guidance given by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the NJ Department of Health, and local health care agencies.  However, Oak Hill Academy will remain adaptive and make decisions based on best policies and procedures for our unique community.  We will remain focused and vigilant and will communicate any adjustments to policies if they become necessary to be in accordance with public health and government guidelines or mandates.  To this end, we have established protocols to begin the 2022-2023 school year.

Monitoring for Covid

The school adheres to a “Sick, stay home; sick, go home” policy. Parents are asked to monitor their children at home for signs and symptoms. In addition, Oak Hill Academy values the recommendation of our school nurses in determining whether a student should attend school and/or remain at school if sick.

Positive Cases of Covid and Covid Exposure

Student tests POSITIVE for COVID-19:

  1. The student must isolate for at least 5 full days.
  2. Day 0 is the day the symptoms begin or the day of the test (for asymptomatic students).
  3. The student may return to school on 6th day but must be fever-free without fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours and have no symptoms.
  4. The student must wear a mask (unless eating or drinking) on days 6-10.

Student is exposed to a Confirmed COVID-19 Positive Case:

  1. Per new CDC guidance: “Recommending that instead of quarantining if you were exposed to COVID-19, you wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5.”
  2. If the student becomes symptomatic and/or tests positive, they must isolate for at least 5 days.
  3. School will only notify parents of a positive case in a grade if their child could be a possible close contact. Parents will be advised to watch their child for symptoms.

Swivl Remote Learning:

Oak Hill will continue to offer the Swivl remote learning option to students under these guidelines:

  1. The student has a confirmed positive case of COVID-19.
  2. The student needs an extended absence due to serious illness, confirmed by a doctor’s note.
  3. If OHA asks the student to isolate or quarantine.
  4. At the complete discretion of OHA.

Note: The option and start date of remote learning is at the discretion of the school. Initiation of remote learning takes time and coordination of teachers and resources. It is not intended or available for other daily absences (including illness.) In addition, there will be no Swivl remote learning for those students who are absent as a result of personal travel.

Updated/Continued Safety Measures and School Procedures

  • Expansive ventilation in all school buildings
  • Hands sanitized or hand washing upon morning arrival
  • Outdoor classrooms (including new gazebo and two concrete, shaded areas)
  • Intake/Outtake fans for ventilation in Upper & Lower School classrooms
  • Central air conditioning including new systems in Lower School, Tech Center, and Rooms 19/20
  • Two air purifiers in all classrooms
  • HVAC filters in buildings
  • Small group seating but no 6 foot distancing or cohorts
  • Separated changing areas in gym and swim locker rooms
  • Start swimming again in the fall
  • Masks optional (with respect for individual choices)
  • Patterned traffic through hallways to ease congestion
  • Windows open slightly, but NO OUTSIDE DOORS PROPPED OPEN
  • Two nurses on staff
  • Dedicated staff member for cleaning throughout day
  • Reinforced hygiene measures modeled and practiced by students
  • Handwashing stations in Lower and Upper School buildings
  • Lunch for entire grade in same spaced area
  • Sanitize desks before and after snack
  • Limited school visitors to individual classrooms, but welcome at school events held outside or in large venue space

Procedures No Longer Doing:

  • Temperature checks in morning
  • Plexiglass dividers in lunch and classrooms
  • Lunch in Upper School classrooms
  • Quarantining of close contacts who show no COVID symptoms

Oak Hill strives to do the best we can at this moment, since we cannot predict the near future. As a community, we appreciate the efforts all have taken to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff. To date, our actions have kept our community in school and healthy, and we look forward to another successful school year.

It is important to note that these plans are working models that can be amended as we are given updated guidelines from the Center of Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and requirements from the Governor’s office and state.

Any changes in policy or procedures will be emailed to our parents and posted on the Oak Hill Academy website, under the “Home” tab and COVID-19 drop down section.

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