By, Linda Vacca
Financial Literacy- Oak Hill Academy has got that covered! Students in grades 5th and 6th attended a hands-on workshop at Junior Achievement BizTown in Edison, NJ. This was a culminating activity after many months of preparation learning all about Finance. From balancing checkbooks, to applying for jobs at their facility, to writing ads for the newspaper and radio station, to pricing items, tracking inventory, and acquiring loans for their businesses. Students at Oak Hill Academy, the best of New Jersey independent schools puts “real life” skills to work. Students learn all about the important role a CEO and a CFO have in operating a business and assume these roles while at BizTown. All students receive a direct deposit paycheck and then another one later, and spend their hard earned money. Students have learned the importance of saving and also making monetary donations to a worthy organization, along with keeping track of their expenses. The Best Monmouth county private school, Oak Hill Academy provides opportunities like BizTown for our students to be able to assume roles in a simulated environment in the business world. Some students worked at a fast food restaurant, others created digital designs, or operated banks, while others helped in the medical field. We even had a City Hall and a mayor who oversaw all the businesses. Working together while learning together is why Oak Hill Academy is the Best Monmouth county private school!