We are working on an exciting project in the 6th grade Exploration class. The topic we chose is “Plastic in the Ocean”
We are using the PBL teaching method (Project Based Learning), to help our students learn better. Such a project motivates students to gain knowledge and remember it longer.
Projects give students the chance to apply the skills they learn in school to personally relevant and real-world situations. Students also learn skills in PBL, such as how to think critically, solve problems, work in teams and make presentations. These skills will help students succeed in the future, both in school and in today’s work world.
Our first project is PLASTIC IN THE OCEANS.
- Project is anticipated to last approximately 5 to 6 weeks.
- Students will work in teams, do research and a presentation guided by the teachers.
- Students will be assessed individually in the project, based on the knowledge they gain and the skills they demonstrate.
Students started the work by a questionnaire and groups were formed according to interest.

Here are a few examples:
- Projects and subjects
- How to preserve ocean?
- New innovative ideas
- Facts about plastic in the ocean + NUMBERS (spreadsheets)
- Best countries at recycling
- What can we do as individuals, community and country to recycle better?
- Big companies are reducing plastic
- Infographics: graphs of best countries for recycling – Venngage
- Infographics: Effects on animal life
- Invention for students: Making a claw
- Innovatives ideas + How people are managing this problem
- Working on system 001/Current techniques to clean Pacific Patch
The outcomes of the projects are almost finalized and the students have done an excellent work.
~Anne Simon & Maria Dotto