The sixth grade Math Workshop classes at Oak Hill Academy, a New Jersey Independent School, have been studying the mathematics of nutrition. Each student brought in an empty cereal box with the exact cost written on the box. They collected much data about their cereals, including the brand, the weight of their box, the cost of their box, and the number of servings in their box. Using the data collected from their cereal boxes students calculated mean, median, mode, and range of the cost per serving and the cost per ounce for the entire class.
Students then measured the dimensions of their box and determined the surface area of the box and the volume of the box compared to the volume of the cereal in the box and discussed the reason for the empty space in the cereal box. A class discussion was held comparing price, packaging, taste, and nutritional value looking at calories, fat, sugar, vitamins, etc. providing them with many different aspects of nutrition. Students are enjoying this activity. They are making connections between their life experiences and the math classroom.
Real world projects, such as this, is why Oak Hill Academy is the top private school in Monmouth County.
~Mrs. J. Palamara