Joyce Colson, First Grade Teacher
They sure are, along with their friends George Washington, Cleopatra, and Malala. Many more of their famous friends will join them at First Grade’s World Citizen Day this spring.
In preparation for World Citizen Day, each First Grader is assigned a famous person. The first thing that the children do is research their person online and through reading books. The teachers help the children pick out important information about their person. Then, they write a report on their person based on their research. Once the reports are written, the teachers meet with each child to edit their report. Next, the children rewrite their reports for their final good copy.
While the children are busy at school preparing their reports, they are also busy at home, with the help of their parents, making a poster of their famous person. They draw the body of their person on the poster board, and then decorate around the board with things that symbolize that person. They bring their poster to school a week before presentation day.
Once the final copies of the reports are written, the children spend a few weeks reading their reports aloud in class. This not only helps them become familiar with their written work, but it also helps them build confidence in speaking in front of a group of people. Once they bring their posters to school, they then start to practice reading with the posters.
Finally, presentation day arrives! Parents are invited to attend World Citizen Day. Each child takes their turn reading their report and showing off their wonderful poster. Everyone learns some interesting facts about these famous people.
The children work very hard on this project both at home and at school. They love to get up and tell the audience all about their famous people. We are always very proud of them and all of their hard work. We hope you can join us for another exciting World Citizen Day this spring.
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