Humans are social beings and being surrounded by people is a part of our daily lives. So for children, school is where, for ten months a year and six hours a day, they must find their comfort zone and navigate through their surroundings. We are all goal-setting people by nature and being happy as well as successful are human targets that we all set. So what are the ingredients that contribute to our children’s self-worth and stability in school?
At Oak Hill Academy, one of the best private schools in Monmouth County, we have identified the 11 most notable conditions that will set the stage for children to flourish and to develop deep self-confidence. We now examine these in no particular order since they all carry equal weight and one might be more meaningful depending on the individual child.
- Being challenged and engaged – The school day must bring a high degree of adventure and discovery.Each new encounter must bring a sense of achievement.
- Having a caring adult – Besides the child’s parent/s, the student’s teacher must be there to listen, support and help plan a learning adventure.
- Having room to grow both physically and mentally – We all need our own space to test our individual talents and to try new things without the fear of failure.
- Having space to think and be creative – Having the time to explore and use one’s imagination brings a great deal of personal satisfaction.
- Being accepted by peers – As a child’s individual talents begin to blossom, so does the need for all of us to feel that our thoughts and feelings are valued by others.
- Being known and respected – Schools must be at a place where people know who we are and respect us for our special character traits.
- Having time to relax – Learning doesn’t have to be stressful.When our children socialize and play, they have the opportunity to test out their talents, feelings, and relationships.Time is needed to just feel free to be ourselves.
- Making friends – Schools, by their very structure, are places where children will develop life-long friendships that will contribute to a social network of support.
- Having the ability to express themselves – People learn best when they share their thoughts and have others listen to what they are thinking.In turn, hearing others also gives children room to evaluate their own opinions.
- Having parent support and understanding – Parents are, of course, one of the main ingredients in a child’s happiness.They are there for support and act as role models.They must, however, not be all controlling; rather they should give the child the sense of independence and offer them the space to make mistakes and regroup in order to move ahead.
- Helping others – Children in school have the opportunity to help others become the best they can be.Assisting with schoolwork or listening to others’ thoughts also brings good feelings to our children.
Schools are, therefore, a place where our children can experience a wide-range of human emotions and challenges. The best elementary school for a child must be a laboratory to grow into a happy and successful adult.