Oak Hill Academy’s primary goal is always the safety and well-being of our students and staff. The system that is used provides a gated community, while still allowing for freedom of movement around all areas of our large campus. These gates permit children, teachers, and parents to move within the confines of the Upper and Lower School complex and limit the number of entry points around campus. This creates a courtyard effect on the interior. Any stand alone buildings, including the Student Activities Center, the Center for Early Learning, and the Science and Environmental Center, are locked at all times. Visitors are required to enter at the main office only by a buzz-in system. Entry and exit doors are clearly identified.

Twenty-six security cameras are placed strategically around campus to monitor the flow of people through gates and around the school. Immediate communication around campus is provided by the sixty-two high-quality walkie-talkie radios used by all staff. Special channels ensure the flow of messages to the correct parties.
All entry doors around campus are identified with a building letter and door number to help facilitate communication within our large campus and the outside community. Oak Hill strictly abides by the requirements of the Office of School Preparedness and Emergency Planning. For example, Oak Hill participates in at least one fire drill and one school security drill each month. In addition, as required, the school holds a minimum of two of each of the following security drills annually: active shooter, evacuation (non-fire), bomb threat, and lockdown. Emergency kits, window blinds, black security curtains, and door locks are located in each classroom in case of a lockdown.

Faculty and staff are required to wear a picture ID badge at all times. Visitors and parents must sign in and receive a pass before moving past our main office entry point. Overseeing all these measures is Oak Hill Academy’s Director of Security, Mr. Glenn Misson. He is assisted by Mr. Dave Enderly. They work in conjunction with School Security Officers. Each day this staff assists students and parents with safe drop-off of children in the morning and pick-up of students at dismissal. This security staff also maintains a close relationship with local authorities and agencies.