Why is Learning to Code Important?
“In fifteen years we’ll be teaching programming just like reading and writing…and wonder why we didn’t do it sooner.” – Mark Zuckerberg
“Everyone should learn how to code, it teaches you how to think.” – Steve Jobs

The average computer programmer earns $60K per year as a starting salary and yes that is a nice incentive to learn to code but not the only reason! Coding teaches analytical thinking. It is a methodical step by step approach to solving a problem. Coding requires deep thinking and this will teach a student to pay attention to details and focus. When paying attention to the details one learns how to better solve problems and create solutions. The benefits a person obtains when learning to code are critical thinking, problem solving skills, persistence, courage to try something new, math skills, processing skills and determination to name just a few. This is why every student at Oak Hill Academy is exposed to coding.

Considered the best private school in Monmouth County, NJ, we teach our students what is relevant for today’s world. When a student learns to code they learn the language everyone is using – technology! Oak Hill Academy exposes all students to coding. As a school of excellence we participate in the Hour of Code with Code.org in first through eighth grades. In the lower school students code Lego robots as part of a STEM project collaboration with their science class. Upper school coding uses programs like Scratch for animation programming, Game Maker for game design, Codecademy.com to learn the basics of HTML and JavaScript and Microsoft Access for database development. Coding gives Oak Hill Academy students an advantage that they will take on to High School and beyond.