Oak Hill Academy has earned two prestigious honors: First Place Award and named the Best Pre-K-8 Literary Magazine for 2018 in the annual American Scholastic Press Association’s literary magazine competition.
OHA’s literary magazine, Reflections, shows the superior efforts of talented students and teachers who worked diligently in the areas of poetry, creative writing, and art design. The Reflections staff concentrated on editing and publishing the annual journal for the Upper School.
Congratulations to OHA’s advisers, Mrs. Maureen Daly and Miss Courtney Lee. Congratulations to the Upper School Staff and students for a job well done! This is the 22nd win for Oak Hill Academy!
Oak Hill Academy’s commitment to excellence is evident in all academic disciplines. The Upper School’s English Department concentrates on all aspects of writing as students move through grades 5-8. The writing process involves poetry, prose, journaling, essay development, and creative narratives. The culminating writing project is the research paper, which teaches the students all phases of the formal writing process. Students are well-prepared for high school and beyond at OHA.