Oak Hill Academy 8th Grader earns NJ State Title in the American Scholastic Challenge
This year was the third time since 2012 that Oak Hill Academy can boast having the New Jersey State Champion of the American Scholastic Challenge!! 8th Grader, Alex Mitchell, Red Bank, emerged as the New Jersey State Champion after taking the 100 question multi-subject test along with approximately 12,500 other students across the United States in February at the private school in Monmouth County.

The American Scholastic Challenge, sponsored by the American Scholastic Achievement League, is an on-line contest whose purpose is to provide eighth grade students with an entertaining and challenging enrichment activity that allows them to demonstrate a variety of problem solving skills and knowledge in many academic areas. The test covered a range of subjects including language & literature, geography, history, science, mathematics, and general knowledge (i.e. food, art, sports, music, current events, entertainment, and mythology.) The contest is purely voluntary, and students stayed after school to take it. In fact, 78% of the Oak Hill students who took the test scored above the national average, and were therefore, presented with merit certificates for their achievement; while, Alex was presented with the State Championship Trophy for his accomplishment. Students who participated were treated to a movie and party at school immediately after completing the online test.
Alex follows previous NJ State Champions from Oak Hill Academy, who have participated in the contest for the past 10 years. Anshul Agarwal, Freehold, won our first title in 2012, and went on to Biotechnology High School and currently attends Georgetown University. Four years later in 2016, Jake Fradkin, Manalapan, won it again. Jake is a sophomore at The Hun School in Princeton. Alex plans to attend Andover Academy in Massachusetts this fall.
Congratulations to all of our students as well as their teachers for preparing them for their success!