Traits that Allow Oak Hill Teachers To Inspire
This profile is a compilation of a variety of talents, experience, and personalities. Taken as a whole, these traits describe the typical Oak Hill Academy teacher at our top-rated NJ private school. The following list is not in any order of importance since each has its unique place in the educational process.
Passion – As a chosen profession, the teacher is dedicated to the excellence of their craft. Constant improvement as an educator of children is the primary goal.
Expert – Teaching is a vocation which is always in motion. As times change, the expert must stay abreast of all techniques and skills which provide the skills to educate children in the 21st century.
Mastery – Here, content is mastered giving the child a solid foundation to move forward with confidence.
Student centered – The Oak Hill teacher designs lessons which consider individual differences and learning styles. The use of technology permits a path for students to be an active participant. Sharing ideas, discussing issues, and extensive writing permits the student to express their thoughts.
Growth Mindset – Teachers believe that all tasks are manageable if given the proper amount of effort. Struggle is a part of the process and success is just a matter of time.
Subjects come to life – In the Oak Hill classroom the child is exposed to real life situations where all lessons begin with student Curiosity where students come with a wide range of questions.

Problem Solving – Teachers strive for deep learning as students are challenged to not only solve real life problems, but are encouraged to be problem finders as well.
Gives feedback – As the student explores topics of interest, the Oak Hill teacher gives constant feedback to help the learner move through the discovery process.
Innovation – The Oak Hill teacher is a tireless worker who is always collaborating with peers to help students best engage worthwhile knowledge which will enhance further learning.
21st Century skills – Teachers understand that their students will not only need a solid factual knowledge base, but will need to be skilled in communication techniques, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and technology.
Caring and dedicated – Above all the Oak Hill teacher inspires their students to be the best they can be by using their unique individual talents. They share their love of learning with their students on a daily basis.
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