The Christian Brothers Academy held its revamped math competition for the second straight year beginning in September and culminating on Thursday, February 22 on its Lincroft, NJ campus. It is named the Brother Christian Jones Middle School Math Tournament. The design intent was to challenge students’ knowledge and creativity through a variety of ten multiple-choice questions and one free response question prepared by the CBA Math Team.
The first six rounds were held at our Monmouth county private school after school, and the final event was held at CBA with a series of fun events, challenges and trials that tested depth, speed and accuracy.
OHA improved upon its second place finish last year by emerging as overall Champions in 2018! Our school’s High Team Scorer was eighth grader, Alex Mitchell who also received the award for League Third High Score Individual. The award for League Fourth High Score Individual went to eighth grader, Aarya Doshi. Rounding out the team were Elizabeth Wright, Molly Jain, Justin Weber, Thibaut Fabricant, Michael Gao, and Robert Schweikert.
Kudos to all on a job well done!