Oak Hill Academy Students Earn Top Honors in National Latin Exam

Approximately 100,000 students from all 50 states and 20 foreign countries recently participated in the 2023 National Latin Exam. Receiving highest honors and gold medals and summa cum laude certificates (answering 37-40 correct) for the eighth grade class were Luli Mitchell and Nika Berg. Ariana Li, Aanya Patel and Henry Griffith received silver medals and maxima cum laude certificates for scoring 34-36 correct out of 40. Mateo Jurgens, Buddy Levy, Jack O’Connor, Daniel Altshuller and Morireoluwa Alao received a magna cum laude certificates (31-33) while Emilia Cerefice, Hannah Pollak and Supreet Arora received cum laude certificates. OHA seventh grade students, Ian Stefko, Dashiel Cassidy, Andie Sparano, Amir Waldman, Jack Pellegrini, Olivia Lopusznick, Angelina Debruijn, Lucas Klein, and Rebel Mondschein were awarded Gold medals and Summa Cum Laude certificates on the Introduction to Latin exam by scoring 38 to 39 correct. With scores (35-37), Silver medals and Maxima Cum Laude certificates were earned by Tierney Keefe, Billy Walsh, Aria Mendoza, Bianca Incognito, Sahaana Shah, Theo Crawford-Phillips, Isotta Towner, Ajay Catania, Abby Jain, Raina Marshall-Hooten and Wutin Lei. Rounding out the Intro to Latin awards were Magna Cum Laude (32-34) level participants Annie White, Evalina Zerres, Freya Munger, Annel Pitchumoni, Joseph Charabaty and Aldan Philipson and Athena Barrett and Max DeVivo secured Cum Laude certificates (30-31).

The National Latin Exam, sponsored by the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League, is a 40-question, multiple-choice test with a time limit of 45 minutes, offered to students on seven levels. Our students take either the Introduction to Latin or Beginning Latin, there are questions that address grammar, comprehension, mythology, derivatives, literature, Roman life, history, geography, oral Latin, and Latin in use in the modern world. The ACL/NJCL National Latin Exam has been approved by the National Association of Secondary School Principals and placed on the Advisory List of National Contests and Activities.
Oak Hill Academy has participated in the exam and has consistently won awards for the last thirty-four years. Much of the credit goes to Oak Hill Academy’s Latin teacher, Mrs. Lisa Coakley.